Course curriculum

    1. Learn the secrets to getting more sets

    1. Calling for the ball for more sets

    2. Drill: Asking your setter if they can hear you

    1. Being up and available early on your route

    2. Drill: Asking your setter if they can see you

    1. Always be available in transition

    2. Drill: Transition like a pro

    3. Drill: 3 ball transition

    4. Boys Clinic Drill: Get more sets in transition

    5. Boys Clinic Drill: Increase your speed in transition

    6. Boys Clinic Drill: 3 Ball Drill if you are an undersized middle

    1. Killing the ball off the net

    2. Drill: 2 balls with different gap routes

    3. Boys Clinic Drill: Adjusting your approach when its off the net

    1. Always communicate with your setter

    2. Drill: Fix it part 1

    3. Boys Clinic Drill: Where on the court do you not get set

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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