How to get more sets?
Frustrated that you aren't apart of your team's offense? There are 6 lessons with specific drills that will teach you how to effectively communicate with your setter so you can be the MVP.
Learn the secrets to getting more sets
Calling for the ball for more sets
Drill: Asking your setter if they can hear you
Being up and available early on your route
Drill: Asking your setter if they can see you
Always be available in transition
Drill: Transition like a pro
Drill: 3 ball transition
Boys Clinic Drill: Get more sets in transition
Boys Clinic Drill: Increase your speed in transition
Boys Clinic Drill: 3 Ball Drill if you are an undersized middle
Killing the ball off the net
Drill: 2 balls with different gap routes
Boys Clinic Drill: Adjusting your approach when its off the net
Always communicate with your setter
Drill: Fix it part 1
Boys Clinic Drill: Where on the court do you not get set